Custom Prescription Dive Masks
Starting At $250 and Free Shipping
- Are guaranteed to give you exactly the same vision underwater as you get on land with your eyeglasses.
- Have an unconditional life-time guarantee for glass lenses.
- Can be a dive mask we supply or you can send us your own. We offer children’s dive masks as well.
- Provide the maximum field view. Super extra large lenses provide maximum field of view.
- Can be created for any prescription. No prescription is too strong or too complex. Your prescription will be adjusted for vertex distance and underwater magnification using our proprietary methods.
- Are not ground down to be dangerously thin as pre-ground prescription dive masks.
- Are not made out of very easily scratched plastic.
- Do not average out your prescription, which would compromise your visual acuity.
- Can have tinted plastic lenses upon request.
- Are used and approved by divers in all 50 States and over 40 foreign countries.
- Have been made for the US. Navy, US Army Engineers, Smithsonian Institute, Indian Ocean Expedition, divers to the Andrea Doria, Gulf Oil, Shell Oil, and many other firms engaged in underwater oil and engineering projects.